As I wrote in the last post, more than a week ago, the big box was waiting for me to be picked up in the mailbox!
It was from Angela in England!
I was so excited to see the big box and very thrilled!
Sorry I had been very ill past over one week, so hadn't been able to post it soon after I've received it.
But this parcel from Angela made me so happy and cheered me up, since I had received it when I was ill!
She was very busy, was working on for the other projects, but she also spread time to stitch this beautiful notebook for me!
When I saw this, I amazed so much, because this has stitched one ver one, very delicate and beautiful, indeed!
And I've already told her though, I'm wondering how did she know that recently I love "Red" as well as "Pink", and so am interested in "Redwork" very much!
She used red silk for the notebook, it's so beautiful!
And she also added me so many goodies!
Beautiful fabbies (include some silks!!, ribbons, foot care stuffs, soap, etc...)
As I often talk about my mum to her, she even added goodies for my mum and my son!
What a sweet person she is!
And "THIS" made me more happier to see in the box!
Yes, "Willow Tree Doll" she has chosen and sent me!
Oh my, what a beautiful doll she is!
Absolutely beautiful!!
Do you remember that Su had sent me one for the last Christmas as well?
Angela had also bought one for me at the same time, and she told me that she thought it would be very beautiful to display both of them together!
They both are so beautiful, I really do love them so much!
Now "Willow Tree Doll" is the best figure to me, more than Lladro or Nao, and or Hummel (Goebel)!!
Thank you so much for your sweetheart, Angela!!
Here are dinosaurs for my son from Angela!
She even thought of my son... oh she is so nice, isn't she?!
They are the first dinosaurs toys for my son, so he didn't know what they are actually, but soon he realised that he has seen it in the "Chip'n Dale" DVD which is his favourite!
In that DVD, "Chip'n Dale" misunderstood that dinosaur is a ghost when they saw dinosaurs' shadow, then say "Oh ghost!!!".
So my son is thinking that "dinosaur = ghost", lol
Even so many times we correct that it's not ghosts but dinosaurs, he says "Ghosts!" lol, it's very funny but lovely!
Recently these "Ghosts (lol)" are travelling around in my house by my son's favourite cars, sometimes they drive the car, lol
By the way, thank you so much Angela for such a sweet parcel to me!
I was so touched by them, indeed!
This is my favourite photo of two of Willow Trees from my dear friends!!
I can't find any other words except "Stunning" or "Beautiful"...
I'm always looking at them and smiling at them, everyday, it's my new routaine!