I remember that I knew this Western tradition about 3 years ago on some stitcher friends' blog. Tthere is no such romantic tradition in Japan, so I remember I was very touched by this story!
Since then, this is our tradition in our home, Tass looked forward to prepare food for them this year, too!
(Canework fairy doll had made by my mum for many many years ago...)
Tass seemed so fun to prepare for them if they really come or not!
After he went to bed, I ate biscuits with mum and drunk milk and a bit of carrot!
That was quite funny that we were eating them at midnight at entrance!!
If Tass red this article someday when he grew up, he would be shocked!! :(
Whew,,, Carrot was not taste good before go to bed, lol
Here is little Tass Santa, he was very looking forward to have champagne (for kids).
This photo was just after he had some, looks happy, huh?
I do really hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas day!!
[Edited on 29th Dec. 2010]
P.S. Dear Berit : Thank you so much for letting me know about "Reindeer"!
That's why when I've done spell check, it appeared with yellow line as it says they are wrong!
Please everyone teach me English if my sentences were wrong, without any hesitation!! :D
Thank you!!
[Edited on 29th Dec. 2010]
P.S. Dear Berit : Thank you so much for letting me know about "Reindeer"!
That's why when I've done spell check, it appeared with yellow line as it says they are wrong!
Please everyone teach me English if my sentences were wrong, without any hesitation!! :D
Thank you!!
Take care and have a lovely day!
Thank you for your visit!
Happy belated Christmas, Yuko & Tass!
How wonderful, to create your own Christmas traditions! Tass will remember them always!
I think it is nice that you do this tradition for Tass! I hope that you and your family had a Merry Christmas! Tass is growing into a handsome little boy. I love the cane doll that your Mum made Yuko.
Hello Yuko!
I want to take and congratulate new year ...
"I saw the happiness and he said he was going home. "
I asked her to carry also the Health and Love
Treat them well, go me. "
Have a very happy 2011!!
A big kiss and loving.
ROSANA (Rincón del Punto de Cruz).
One year my son decided that Santa could use a beer, and then thought he should leave something healthy. That year poor Santa got a beer and yogurt! I'll always remember that. Thank you for sharing your tradition - Tass is SO cute!!
Tass looks great in his Santa hat! I used to sprinkle glitter around the fireplace and around the tree in the shape of footprints - my kids always thought that Santa forgot to wipe his feet!
Happy New Year to you both! [[[hugs]]]
This is so sweet! You and your mom are wonderful to eat biscuits and carrot before bed, lol! (I have to confess that though I love carrots, I would have probably not been able to eat one raw so late at night. :)
I would like to very humbly clarify for you that "Reindeer" does not need an "s" to form the plural. "Reindeer" (like "deer") can mean either one or many. I do not know why this is (but it seems to hold true for many "beasts of the field" in their adult forms! For example, it is also true for "sheep", but more than one "lamb" are "lambs"). English can be really confusing because it evolved from so many sources. I am always amazed at your very good command of English! :D
I spend most of the fall studying for the JLPT, which is a proficiency exam for Japanese. I took it in Early December, and even though the results will not be in until spring, I KNOW I did not do well. :/
Even though it was the easiest of five levels, it still had so many "trick" questions and the "vocabulary" section was mostly comprised of short conversations between two speakers with only one word missing: a particle. I found it very frustrating that I understood the whole conversation, but was only asked about such a thing! I can understand being closely examined on it for a more advanced certification, but not for such a basic one! Ah, well. I already knew I needed to study more. :)
Sorry for leaving such a long comment and best wishes for this next year to be a good one for you, Tass and your mom.
Is funny!!
I wish you a happy new year.
Hola querida,
He pasado para desearte un feliz 2011!!!!
Aww; you didn't have to change it.
Yuko-san, I really do admire both your stitching and abilities with more than one language.
As for me, my Japanese is only good enough to understand simple things mostly (not even completely)--I don't have enough command to compose things I want to say in my head or enough kanji to write!
I am just nervous that you will think me rude or unkind in saying something, so please forgive me if it seems like I was critical to mention it. That was not how I meant it at all!
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