Hi everyone, how have you been doing?I have been doing fine recently, as well as my son Tass.Thank you so much for your kind heart as always, you ask my son and my health in the mails, comments, e-cards, etc...I really appreciate for your kindness, I'm so touched that so many people in the other countries is concerning about us, how special and how wonderful thing.
Thank you again so much!
As for my stitching (WIP), I decided not to mess around anymore, stitch a few pieces at once, not a lot (lol), as my mum and my friend suggested me not to mess around anymore (lol, Exactly!!), I know that's why I always mess up and can't tidy up on the table!!
So here it is, as I decided to finish my WIPs a little by little, even though it was on a Halloween day, I re-started this "Pumpkin Patch" by PS!
I told my friend about it, then she said "Hello??? It's Halloween, today!!
I think you can hold it until next year, LOL"
And finally finished this yesterday! whew!
It was very lovely design and fun to stitch along as I love autumn designs and colour very much!
Actually I miss count the border, so there is gap between letters and house etc...
I thought to add little spiders or something like that in the gap, but decided to leave it.
Did you notice that??? I shouldn't have mentioned it? (lol)
This year I completed two autumn designs, so I'm very happy about that.
I couldn't frame them this year, but next year I will find nice frames for them and want to display on the wall! :D
BTW, I re-started selling scissors, and sent e-mails for people on the waiting list first.
Did you all receive my e-mail regarding scissors???
If you didn't and if you're still interested in, please let me know.
My scissors blog is here : http://yuko-behappyscissors.blogspot.com/Now I'm doing pre-order, please e-mail me how many and which type you want!
And there is 2 shipping ways, so please let me know about it, as well. AND!! Please read "Information" before you order.
Take care and have a lovely day!!
Thank you for your visit, even though I haven't been updating often.
[Edited on 12, Nov, 2010]
Dear Ann who asked about the fabric that I used for this design.
I think this linen was "Wichelt Labmswool", I'm not sure, but I don't have many kinds of linen with me, so probably I used the one I wrote below!
Design : "Pumpking Patch" by Prairie Schooler
Fabric : 32ct Wichelt "Lambswool"
Thread : DMC