I remember that I knew this Western tradition about 3 years ago on some stitcher friends' blog. Tthere is no such romantic tradition in Japan, so I remember I was very touched by this story!
Since then, this is our tradition in our home, Tass looked forward to prepare food for them this year, too!
(Canework fairy doll had made by my mum for many many years ago...)
Same as the last year, we prepared some biscuits and milk for Santa, and carrot for his Reindeer!
Tass seemed so fun to prepare for them if they really come or not!
After he went to bed, I ate biscuits with mum and drunk milk and a bit of carrot!
That was quite funny that we were eating them at midnight at entrance!!
If Tass red this article someday when he grew up, he would be shocked!! :(
Whew,,, Carrot was not taste good before go to bed, lol
Here is little Tass Santa, he was very looking forward to have champagne (for kids).
This photo was just after he had some, looks happy, huh?
[Edited on 29th Dec. 2010]
P.S. Dear Berit : Thank you so much for letting me know about "Reindeer"!
That's why when I've done spell check, it appeared with yellow line as it says they are wrong!
Please everyone teach me English if my sentences were wrong, without any hesitation!! :D
Thank you!!