I have been very busy looking after my naughty son recently, so haven't been able to stitch at day time at all...
So only one sunflower has bloomed...

I bought this linen as 28ct, but I think this is 32ct... I don't know which is the right count, so I note it as 28ct, though...
The photos that I have been taking aren't showing the linen colour justice, but actually this linen is marbled and it looks like beautiful sky!
I like this design very much, so far it's not so bright, but it will be very beautiful at the end, I think!
Ahhh, I have so many things to do and stitch!
I will post it later, but I started another new design, am I OK???
Next week, I will meet my stitching friends again at my house!
I'm so looking forward to meeting them again!
By the way, thank you so much for leaving me lovely comments and thanks for your visit here my blog!
I'd appreciate for that!