Last night, I decided to finish this sampler as I wanted to start another design.
I'm so happy that I could finish this earlier than I thought!
My dear friend went back to Tokyo, so when I found the right frame for this, I will send this sampler and some pressie for her in Tokyo!
This sampler is SO beautiful than I was thinking! Chart photo doesn't show this beauty justice, it's so lovely in the real life!!
It's just my opinion, though PS design especially old charts don't show the right colour justice in their photo, don't you think?
When my friend stitched another old design, the colour was totally different and we all were surprised!!
But this sampler and also my friend's sampler both were beautiful than the chart photo, so it's no problem, though!! :D
If I had so much enough time, I would like to stitch "Wedding Sampler III" for her, and also another "Birth Sampler III" for another dear friend even though her daughter is already 2 years old!!
I really hope she likes this sampler and will be happy to see my work IRL!
Hope Baby girl Uta loves this when she grew up!
Take care and have a lovely weekend!!
Thank you for your visit to my blog!
Design : "Wedding and Birth Sampler III" © Prairie Schooler
Fabric : 10B Fremme Linen
Thread : DMC