This is stitched on 40ct linen, and I realised that I like to stitch on 36/40ct very much!
It was so fun to stitch this design, this is so beautiful, isn't this?
I added my initials and there was also a part where I had to stitch something alphabet, so I stitched my husband and son's initials (A and T) on it.
I would like to take accurate photos of this and Quaker Faith Hope Love, when they are framed.
This design was published in 2005, and I think this is no longer to be sold now...
But I ordered it this year at Attic Needlework in the US, I also asked her to kit up for this design.
I hope this small information would be helpful a bit for you.
I have so many e-mails that I have to reply back, please my friends just wait for me for a while.
I will make some time to reply you back.
And happy stitching~ :)